Multi-layered Risk Management

Our primary risk focus lies in mitigating deliberate over-export of utility tokens by game developers, which can unbalance our ecosystem. To address this, we've implemented a multifaceted risk management strategy.

Firstly, our game onboarding process is bidirectional. While the top 5 NFT minters can vote a game into our ecosystem, they also hold the power to vote out any game found to be malicious or non-compliant with our community standards. This ensures accountability and maintains the integrity of our ecosystem.

Secondly, our utility token movements are governed by smart contracts, requiring verification of signed messages from designated signing addresses. Only validated signatures generated by our secure server can authorise exports, preventing unauthorised token movements.

Thirdly, automated risk monitoring and control mechanisms are in place. When instances of over-exporting or over-distribution are detected, alerts are triggered based on predefined thresholds. System administrators are promptly notified of near-threshold breaches, while breaches exceeding the limit result in immediate action. Depending on the severity, suspensions can be temporary or permanent, with options for contract suspension, restricting all transaction activities until resolved.

These measures ensure a proactive approach to risk management, safeguarding the stability and integrity of our ecosystem while promoting fair and responsible token usage.

Last updated